When: Thursday, May 25, 2023 - Friday, May 26, 2023, 9:30 AM - 5:30 PMWhere: Graduate Centre
The School of Economics and Finance of Queen Mary University of London (QMUL) is hosting the 5th annual workshop for PhD & Postdoctoral students. The workshop is organised by QMUL PhD students and aims to bring together researchers from all areas of Economics and Finance to create a stimulating environment for participants to discuss pressing issues in their fields and receive valuable feedback on their work.
The two-day workshop will consist of a mix of parallel and plenary sessions covering the following broad research fields: Macroeconomics, Econometrics, Finance, Theoretical Microeconomics, and Applied Microeconomics. This year, the conference features keynote speeches by Douglas Gollin (Oxford University) and Noam Yuchtman (LSE).
Presentations will be followed by a discussion led by a PhD student. Authors of selected papers might be asked to also discuss a paper related to their field of research. The scientific committee, consisting of QMUL PhD students and faculty members, will select two papers that will be awarded the Best Paper Acknowledgement. These papers will be presented in plenary sessions and discussed by an expert faculty member in the field.
PhD and Postdoctoral students interested in participating should send a full paper or extended abstract by March 31, 2023 (midnight, GMT), indicating clearly the field code covered by their research, to the following email address: eco-phdworkshop@qmul.ac.uk. All applicants will be notified of the decision by April 21, 2023.
Selected authors are expected to participate in the entire two-day event. Coffee-breaks and lunch will be provided for the two days of the workshop. Accommodation for the nights of May 24 and 25 can be offered by Queen Mary University of London upon request. There will be a dinner organised for the evening of May 25 for all presenters, discussants, and keynote speakers
Chiara Bernardi, Gabriel Bracons, Giacomo Carlini, Paula Cesana, Ezgi Kurt, Yuting Wang, Antonio José León Fernández
This workshop is funded by ESRC, LISS-DTP and QMUL